India’s ambitious mission, Kartosat 3, has been successfully launched

cartosat 3 launched

India’s ambitious mission, Kartosat 3, has been successfully launched. The satellite reached orbit in 17 minutes 40 seconds. The ISRO has launched a new mission after the nation’s prestigious Chandrayaan mission. The launch vehicle was the PSLV C-47. The third satellite of the Kartosat range was launched today from Satish Dhawan Space Center in Bangalore. In addition to CartoSat, 13 commercially launched Nano Satellites successfully launched into space. The Cartosat 3 is equipped with a camera capable of distinguishing or visualizing objects from an orbit of 509 km at a distance of 3.25 cm. The army will now have access to information on guns and bombs along with men in the enemy camp. It also has a spatial range that can simultaneously visualize a 16 km wide area. Cartosat also has multispectral and hyper-spectral equipment that can capture images inside terrorist hiding places.

ISRO also launched 13 smaller satellites of the United States along with Cartosat. It is also a matter of great pride for the country. The current astronauts in space are American NASA. The US depends on the ISRO while it is in space. The Palia Chandrayaan 2 test has not cost India in the world. The ISRO has already decided to correct the flaw and launch the Chandrayaan 3 again. India is one of the world’s cheapest launchers. Even Chandrayaan 2 cost only the budget of a Hollywood movie. This is a budget

cartosat 3 launched

that NASA cannot even think about. That is why even the US with the order is now ahead of India.

A major advance has been made in the Indian defense sector. ISRO successfully launched Emissat in April and Risa 2B in May for military purposes only. This was followed by a more robust launch. Meanwhile, Pakistan has been taking the news of India’s launch of new satellites, including CartoSat, very

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seriously. They believe that these satellites are not just for India’s range and technology. Pakistani scientists also point out that Pakistan has been in the shadow of Indian satellites.

The Pakistani space agency is just a picture today. It is not only capable of competing with India but also getting close to it. Pakistan is only at the mercy of China. But China has not yet decided to hand over the

cartosat 3 launched

space technology to Pakistan. In Pakistan, where there is an unstable state, not only is it possible for a military coup, but also for terrorism. China also has major concerns. Another factor that provoked China was the massive corruption in the financial corridor fund.