Chandrayaan 3 Gears Up For An Exciting Journey After A Phenomenal Orbit Raise

 ISRO has successfully raised the orbit of Chandrayaan 3 probe for the second time. The probe moves in an orbit at least 200 km above the Earth. After raising the orbit in this way and reaching a certain height, the spacecraft will jump out of the Earth’s gravitational force and into the Moon’s orbit. In this way, Chandrayaan 3 will raise its orbit three more times.

The orbit was raised for the first time on Saturday, the day after the launch. Chandrayaan 3 was launched from Satish Dhawan Space Station at 2.35 pm on Friday. The launch was on the launch vehicle Mark 3. The probe was placed in a precise orbit. The probe will enter lunar orbit on August 3. It is hoped that the probe will be able to land on the moon by August 23.