A Day Of Remembrance Kargil Heroes And Their Sacrifice

Today is Kargil Vijay Diwas, the day when India commemorates the victory in the Kargil War. On this day, 527 soldiers sacrificed their lives, and around a thousand soldiers were injured during the intense fighting, which involved heavy bombings and shelling. Kargil is a region known for its extreme cold, with temperatures dropping as low as minus 50 degrees Celsius, making it a challenging time for the soldiers even on the banks of rivers. The Kargil conflict began in November-December 1998 when Pakistan launched Operation Badar, infiltrating the Siachen Glacier area, strategically linking the Srinagar-Kargil-Leh highway, and controlling crucial regions. India discovered Pakistan’s covert operation and responded with Operation Vijay, successfully pushing back Pakistani forces and reclaiming control of the Kargil sector. The conflict lasted for approximately 50 days, during which India faced a difficult and covert adversary in the form of well-disguised terrorists.

The victory in Operation Vijay resulted in India reclaiming all the lost territories and forcing Pakistan to withdraw from the areas it had occupied illegally. The day is celebrated to honor the courage and sacrifice of the soldiers who fought valiantly under extreme conditions and to remember the triumph of India’s military in driving back the Pakistani intrusion.Kargil Vijay Diwas marks an important milestone in India’s military history and serves as a reminder of the bravery and dedication of its armed forces.

  • On May 9, in the Kargil region, there were skirmishes between the Pakistan Army and Indian forces over the acquisition of weapons.
  • On May 10, there were incursions reported in Dras, Kaksar, and Mushkoh sectors.
  • By mid-May, the Indian Army was deploying more troops to shift the balance in Kargil and pushed back infiltrators from the Kashmir valley to the Kargil sector.
  • On May 26, the Indian Air Force initiated airstrikes against infiltrators. During the counter-attacks, the Indian military was instructed not to cross the Line of Control.
  • On May 27, the Indian Air Force lost two aircraft – MiG-21 and MiG-27, and a pilot named Nachiketa was captured by Pakistan.
  • On June 1, Pakistan launched a strong counterattack, and an Indian bomb hit Tiger Hill, causing a setback.
  • On June 5, Indian forces found evidence of Pakistani involvement in capturing Indian soldiers from the Kargil sector.
  • On June 6, Captain Saurabh Kalia of the Jat Regiment was captured and brutally tortured by Pakistani troops.
  • On June 9, the Indian Army recaptured two important positions in the Batalik sector.
  • On June 11, Pakistan’s Chief of Army Staff, General Pervez Musharraf, visited China to seek support in the ongoing conflict.
  • On June 13, Indian forces recaptured Tololing in Dras.
  • On June 15, US President Bill Clinton asked Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to withdraw troops from Kargil.
  • On June 29, the Indian Army regained two key positions – Point 5060 and Point 5100 near Tiger Hill.
  • On July 2, the Indian Army initiated the third phase of attacks in the Kargil sector.
  • On July 4, after the Battle of Manikbo, Indian forces recaptured Tiger Hill.
  • On July 5, the Indian Army took control of Dras. Sharif acknowledged the retreat of Pakistani forces.
  • On July 7, Indian forces pushed back Pakistani troops from the strategic positions in the Batalik sector.
  • On July 11, Pakistan began to withdraw troops from key positions in response to India’s victories in Batalik.
  • On July 14, Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee officially declared Operation Vijay a success. Talks with Pakistan were held to finalize agreements.
  • On July 26, the Kargil conflict officially ended. The Indian Army declared a complete victory over the infiltrators from Pakistan. During the Kargil conflict, India lost 527 brave soldiers, including Malayali Jerry Premraj. Operation Vijay, led by the Indian Army, and Operation Safed Sagar, carried out by the Indian Air Force, were instrumental in reclaiming strategic posts from Pakistani intruders. The Indian Navy also played a significant role in the conflict. Through these combined efforts and India’s strategic planning, a new chapter was written in the country’s history. Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s leadership during this period contributed to India’s resounding victory in Kargil. The successful outcome of the conflict further strengthened his position as the Prime Minister.