Apple GPT Set To Take The World By Storm Investors Eager To Jump In

As of my last update in September 2021, I do not have access to real-time information or future developments beyond that date. Therefore, I cannot confirm or provide details on any events or developments in 2023, including the release of an AI service by Apple called “Apple GPT” or any reports related to it. Regarding the information provided about Apple’s AI efforts up until September 2021, it’s worth noting that Apple has historically been more secretive about its AI projects compared to companies like Google and Microsoft. However, Apple has been investing in AI and machine learning technologies for years, particularly in the development of Siri and other AI-related features in their products.

As for Apple’s interest in collaborating with OpenAI, any potential deals would be confidential, and I do not have access to information beyond my last update. Additionally, details about Samsung Electronics’ AI efforts or the accuracy of the information presented in the report about their own AI tools are not within my knowledge cutoff. Please remember to verify the information provided in any news or reports, as the tech industry is constantly evolving, and new developments may have occurred after my last update in September 2021.