ISRO Adjusts Aditya L1 Trajectory With Minor Changes

India’s pioneering solar observation probe, Aditya L1, was successfully launched on September 2 atop the PSLV C57 rocket from Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh, marking a significant milestone for the nation’s space endeavors. The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) reported that the spacecraft is performing exceptionally well, embarking on its mission to unlock solar secrets.On October 6, ISRO made a slight correction in the trajectory of Aditya L1, executing a Trajectory Correction Maneuver (TCM) by igniting the engine for 16 seconds. This adjustment aims to ensure precise positioning of the probe at the Lagrangian 1 point, where it will conduct solar studies from a halo orbit, free from the gravitational influences of Earth and the Sun.

Aditya L1 achieved a significant milestone by successfully completing the trans-Lagrangian insertion, transitioning into the Lagrangian path on September 19 after its orbit around Earth. The probe is maneuvered in response to instructions from the ISRO Telemetry Tracking and Command Network (ISTRAC) in Bengaluru.During its mission, Aditya L1 will operate the Advanced Tri-Axial High Resolution Digital Magnetometer (MAG), a crucial payload designed to study the Sun’s magnetic field. The primary objective of this five-year mission is to study the heating of the Sun’s atmosphere and its influence on the climate in space and on Earth.ISRO has already reported that Aditya L1 has commenced the collection of critical solar data. The sensors on the probe’s STEPS-1 instrument have begun measuring thermal-energy-electric particles from a distance of over 50,000 kilometers from Earth. This invaluable data will aid scientists in analyzing the properties of particles surrounding our planet, contributing to a deeper understanding of solar phenomena and its implications.