Negative Test Results Nipah Virus Scare Averted With 61 Confirmed Cases

Nipa test results of 61 people belonging to high risk category received in Kozhikode district today are also negative. At present 994 people are in the contact list. The health department also informed that the health condition of the patients currently undergoing treatment is satisfactory. The virus has not been detected in the bats in the Nipa affected areas of the district. The results of 36 samples of saliva collected from bats were negative. The health department stated that the tests will continue on bats and some animals. The source remains unclear as secretions from the bats tested negative.

The experts of the Central and State Animal Protection Department sent the secretions of bats from areas including the house area of ​​Kallad Muhammad Ali, who died of Nipah on August 30. Nipah virus has been detected in bats in previous years of testing. But how the disease was transmitted from bats to humans is not known. Experts point out that only if there is clarity in this, the preventive measure will be fully effective. In 2018, 2021 and this time, the same variant of Nipah virus entered humans. This was confirmed by the central team that conducted the study.