Jayaram opening up about taking a break from Malayalam cinema.

Jayaram is an actor who has amazed the audience in Malayalam and other language films alike, and now the actor is opening up about Malayalam cinema and taking a break from it. Jayaram says he has so much freedom.

I was discussing everything with my wife and children during the pandemic, and they told me to take a break from Malayalam cinema for a while, and that there would be a better project to do, but I had the opportunity to do films in Telugu and Tamil for 365 days. Sathyan Anthikkad’s’ Makal ‘was really a good project that I was waiting for in Malayalam.

I feel very lucky that I was able to act in this film, my daughter was a Sathyan Anthikkad film that I liked, I was born and brought up in a family that is Malayalam cinema, and I took a break from it when Covid came and the whole world was in a state of lockdown.