In Elections, There’s Always A Mix Of Victory And Defeat V Shivankutty

In the aftermath of recent elections, Minister V Sivankutty offered his perspective on the dynamics of electoral contests, emphasizing that victories and defeats are inherent in the democratic process. His remarks were prompted by the surprising defeat of the Left Democratic Front (LDF) in the Puthupally constituency, a stronghold that had been consistently won by the United Democratic Front (UDF) for an impressive 53 years.

V Sivankutty

Sivankutty pointed out that electoral fortunes can be unpredictable, as seen in constituencies like Puthupally and Oommen Chandy’s consistent wins. He also drew attention to the Thrikkakara constituency, where similar fluctuations occurred. In the world of elections, the pendulum often swings between victory and defeat, reflecting the will of the voters.Furthermore, Sivankutty highlighted the role of sympathy waves in shaping election outcomes. He noted that harnessing the momentum of sympathy can translate into securing more votes.

V Sivankutty

In response to the Puthupally defeat, Minister MB Rajesh shared his insights. He attributed the UDF’s success in Puthupally to the conversion of sympathy for Oommen Chandy into votes for his son. Additionally, Rajesh noted that BJP managed to secure votes for Raman’s son in the same constituency.Rajesh also hinted at examining whether CPM votes had been diverted, promising a comprehensive analysis of the situation.These recent election results underscore the complex and ever evolving nature of electoral politics, where victory and defeat are intertwined, and where the electorate’s sentiments play a pivotal role in shaping the outcomes.

V Sivankutty