AMMA Executive Committee Gathers To Resolve Pressing Issue Of Players Membership

The executive meeting of the star organization ‘Amma’ will be held in Kochi this evening. Actor Srinath Bhasi has applied to join the organization after the producers announced the ban. The executive has also received applications from some other young players who were away from the organization. The executive will decide today whether to include them. A section of members disagreed with the inclusion of some players facing drug charges in the organization.

Meanwhile, the ban on actor Shane Nigam is lifted. The issue was settled. Shane completed dubbing for the RDX movie. Shane’s one-year-dates star organization, ‘The Mother’, has stepped in and assured the producer’s team that the organization will do the trick. But the discussion on the ban of C is continuing. Last April, actors Srinath Bhasi and Shane Nigam were banned from the film. The film organizations had informed that they will not cooperate with the films of both of them.