When was the take-off of Parvati’s film? The director says they don’t know what Islamophobia is


Director Mahesh Narayanan is reacting to Parvati’s remark that there is Islamophobia in Take Off. The director says that neither Parvati nor those who say it, don’t even know what Islam or Bobby is. Now the director has come up with a response.

How to Mahesh Narayan’s response, I do not know what these people said parvatiykkea Islamophobia, that’s how I see it. Take-Off is a fictional story. There is no cinema from within. Sameera in the picture is going to Iraq with her husband, so there has never been a nurse.

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Only timeline is taken. People are positioned as fictionalized. That is the freedom of filmmakers.Take Off was the first film release of 2017 by renowned cinematographer Mahesh Narayanan. The film focuses on the Indian nurses trapped on the battlefield of Iraq. The film’s director was not open about it. Now he is giving the correct answer in the interview. 

parvathi thiruvothTerrorism should never be conflated with Islamophobia. This is a film made after a thorough look at political correctness. If Islamophobia is on the takeoff, they won’t let me enter that country. He said that if Islamophobia was on the takeoff, the film would never have been selected in Iran.