Kareena Kapoor’s wanted to go on a date with Rahul Gandhi!

Kareena Kapoor, pretty queen of Bollywood who ruled the Cinema during early 2000s.. is now married to Saif Ali Khan and has a handsome kid anmed Taimur..

Kareena Kapoor’s old interview video is getting viral on social media.. in an episode of Rendezvous with Simi Garela, when the Host asked is there any celebrity with whom Kareena wants to go on a date ? Kareena answered “shall I say this ? I don’t know if I should.. I don’t mind getting to know him, its controversial, Rahul Gandhi. I’d like to know him, something I’ve been seeing his pictures on India today , just kind of flippng through and thinking what it would be like to have a conversation with him. And I come from a family with lineage of films and he comes from a family with a lineage of politics. So, um,, maybe we would make an interesting conversation” said Kareena Kapoor ..

After several years , this interview is going viral on social media..