Commencement Of Asian Games Opening Ceremony Today

2023 Asian Games officially started today. The flag will be raised for the 19th edition of the Games hosted by China. The opening ceremony was held at the Olympic Sports Center Stadium in Hangzhou, also known as the Big Lotus. The opening ceremony will begin at 5:30 PM IST.The Indian flag will be hoisted by men’s hockey team captain Harmanpreet Singh and world boxing champion Lovlina Borgohain at the 80,000-capacity stadium. International media reports that the opening ceremony will pay tribute to China’s modern growth and heritage with the use of artificial intelligence and eco-friendly technologies. The stadium in Hangzhou will also witness smokeless fireworks using 3D animation and augmented reality.

655 Indian athletes in 39 sports are participating in the Asian Games this year. It is also the largest partnership in India’s history. Chinese President Xi Jinping will attend the opening ceremony. Cambodian King Norodom Sihamani, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Hong Kong leader John Lee Ka Chiu and Republic of Korea Prime Minister Han Duk Soo are among the other dignitaries attending the ceremony.