Two more people found Corona Positive at Boney Kapoor’s house

The devastation of the coronavirus is spreading everywhere throughout the nation. The place of Bollywood craftsmen has likewise not been immaculate by this pandemic. A 23-year-old household aide was as of late discovered crown positive at the place of popular movie producer Boney Kapoor. Another large news has come. Two individuals have been found in Boney Kapoor’s home tainted with Coronavirus. All the individuals present in the house were analyzed after the assistant was seen as crown positive, in which two more staff were discovered tainted with the crown.

As of late, a source associated with Boney Kapoor gave data about this, “After the local right hand was seen as crown positive, all the individuals present in the house were analyzed. Two more staff individuals who were crown positive. Rest of the relative tried negative”. On Tuesday, Boney Kapoor shared a message identified with this, in which he stated, “I might want to state that our 23-year-old residential assistance Charan Sahu has been discovered crown positive. He was not well since Saturday. So he was sent for a test and set in detachment. ”

Boney Kapoor further expressed in his announcement, “I, my youngsters and our whole staff are fine, and none of us has seen any side effects. Indeed, even since the lockdown has begun We have not gone out. For the following 14 days, we are all in self-isolate. We are for the most part following the rules given by BMC. We are quickly mentioned by the Maharashtra government and BMC.”