Those who buy more than Rs 10 lakh should get a 30 per cent reduction in wages, the producers’ association said


Film actors, film workers and reward the reduction of holy Manufacturers Association. Bharathiraja, president of the Tamil Film Active Producers’ Association, said those earning more than Rs 10 lakh should be paid 30 percent less. Covid called for a reduction in wages to help producers in crisis following the epidemic.

In a press release, Bharathiraja said that the producers are going through a severe crisis and therefore the actors and actors should come forward with help. He said that if the budget of the film could be reduced by 40-50 percent, it would not be possible to get more collection but the producer could reduce the losses. Producers are in demand for those who are currently working on films that are awaiting theatrical release.

Many Malayalam and Telugu film artists and activists have reduced their salaries from Rs 30 to Rs 50. In Tamil cinema too, some actors were ready to cut by 30 percent. Praise their excellent decision. But this is not the only reason. All actors, actresses, and activists who earn more than Rs 10 lakh should be prepared to reduce their salary by 30 percent. This will reduce the overall cost of the film and allow the film to be released without financial problems. This is a requirement for those who are working on films that are in production and stalled due to non-release. Remuneration for new films can be decided by talking to the producers. – Bharathiraja said.