The time she spent with her husband in the hospital without anyone’s help; Lakshmi Priya about the painful days

The time she spent with her husband in the hospital without anyone's help; Lakshmi Priya about the painful days
The time she spent with her husband in the hospital without anyone's help; Lakshmi Priya about the painful days

Lakshmipriya, who has become a favorite with the Malayalee audience through a handful of good films, is also a star among the audience. Though not currently active in film and serial, the characters played by Lakshmi Priyadha are always in the minds of the audience. An interview with Lakshapriya, a woman of color in the comedy program aired by Flowers Channel, is currently being debated on social media

The time she spent with her husband in the hospital without anyone’s help; Lakshmi Priya about the painful days

Lakshmi, who lives happily with her husband Jayesh and her daughter Matangi, laughs and laughs openly about what she has experienced in her life. Lakshmi Priya said in the interview that her husband was in danger before the baby was born and the worries and worries of the baby changed.

The actress says she was married when she was 18 and her husband was 28, and that she went into abortion after being pregnant twice. In the meantime, when the film was busy, the thought of Kunju was changed. The star said she and her husband thought that if a baby was born it would create a living environment for them. The star’s words,

Then I got pregnant at the age of thirty. From the moment I knew I was pregnant, I had lived only as prayers and vows. I have had minor bleeding since 3 weeks of pregnancy. There were also concerns about being a busy time in the film. By the time she was six, Bleeding was still in the hospital, afraid of losing her baby. Concerns mounted after the umbilical cord was found lying on the baby’s neck. At the end of the sixth month, the cesarean section was taken and the baby weighed only 1 kg. The baby was shifted to the NICU, and then 3 days later, I found out.