Tamil Nadu Chief Minister allows shooting of TV serials

Tamil Nadu Chief Minister K. Palaniswami on Thursday permitted TV sequential shootings in the state subject to conditions. An official proclamation said Palaniswami considered the portrayal got from the business and has permitted shooting of TV serials subject to the accompanying conditions: Shooting is permitted just inside or in the houses having compound dividers; No shooting is permitted out in the open spots, aside from in provincial and on Covid-19 control territories; No authorization for spectators; Spraying of disinfectant when the taking shots at the shoot spots; Barring entertainers, all others should wear covers and keep up social separation.

During breaks on-screen characters also should wear veils; All types of gear, vehicles going to the shooting spots ought to be disinfected; a limit of 20 people alone are allowed at the spot including entertainers and specialists. (IANS)