Real Star Upendra

Actor Upendra’s Organic Farming

We all know that Sandalwood Real Star Upendra is an Actor,Director,Lyric writer and also a singer. Upendra launched a political…

4 years ago

Corona Awareness though Kannada movie dialogues

Police department, Health Workers , Doctors and Government of India are trying to bring Awareness regarding Corona from many days.…

4 years ago

25 years of Trend Setter ‘Om’

Today marks the 25th Anniversary of Kannada movie Om. This movie was a Trendsetter in Sandalwood. It was directed by…

4 years ago

Actor Upendra’s son Aayush is celebrating his 16th Birthday today

Sandalwood's Real Star Upendra and Priyanka's son Aayush turns 16 today .. the couple and their little daughter Aishwarya shares…

4 years ago