Suriya’s Jai Bhim controversy, Dialogue writer Kanmani Gunasekaran returns his pay

Suriya’s last release ‘Jai Bhim’ has been the most discussed Tamil film of ongoing occasions as it arrived in a debate.
Director T.S. Directed by Gnanavel, the Jai Bhim film based on a true story of the 90s starring actor Suriya has been released and has been well received by the fans. Also, many Tamil Nadu chief ministers and political party leaders have been praising ‘Jai Bhim‘. Not only that but it has caused great controversy and debate.


Presently, the most recent update on the ‘Jai Bhim’ line is that discourse essayist Kanmani Gunasekaran has returned his remuneration for the film. Kanmani Gunasekaran has written an extensive message on his Facebook page and shared his grief. Director TJ Gnanavel had gone to Kanmani Gunasekaran two years back. He mentioned him writing the dialogues for his film as wish to have a nativity touch in dialogues.

Kanmani Gunasekaran had additionally done it, and he was not educated with regards to the schedule scenes which have now transformed into a debate now. He was frustrated by the action as he likewise has a place in a similar local area. His sentiments have been harmed despite the fact that the changes are made at this point.
SuriyaKanmani Gunasekaran has likewise asserted that TJ Gnanavel has caused questionable situations on account of the OTT discharge, and incited incredible enmity between the two networks. Presently, he has been ridiculed by his own kin. He has settled on a significant choice. Kanmani Gunasekaran has chosen to return the check of Rs. 50,000 that he was paid for the regional translation work, to the creators. He has attached a distress message with the letter.

Lijo Mol Jose in Suriya_JaiBhim_

Kanmani Gunasekaran then, then hopes that he will never meet any traitors who throw up and stab like this in the future.