Nirmala Sitharaman who blocked Khushboo on Twitter. What’s the reason?

Nirmala Sitharaman who blocked Khushboo on Twitter. What's the reason
Nirmala Sitharaman who blocked Khushboo on Twitter. What's the reason

Actress Khushboo is one of the most prominent leaders in the Tamil Nadu Congress. She recently took a break from social media and is back on Twitter. He is widely regarded as one of the most talked about grievances in the Modi government.

Indian Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has blocked Khushboo from his Twitter page. Commenting on this, he posted on Twitter, “Nirmala Sitharaman has blocked me. He does not want to hear the truth. He has only breathed a lie like Narendra Modi and Amit Shah and has nothing to accuse him of living with.

Nirmala Sitharaman had blocked Khushboo only in September, when Congress was already discussing the economic downturn. Khushboo Sundar tweeted to recall it now.