Maniyan Pilla Raju’s son Sachin gets married(Video)

Maniyan Pilla Raju's son Sachin gets married(Video)
Maniyan Pilla Raju's son Sachin gets married(Video)

Maniyan Pilla Raju’s Sachin got married Aishwarya P Nair is the bride. The ceremony was held at the Shankumukham Devi Temple. The temple was overseen by Krishnan Potti. The relatives of both families attended the ceremony. The wedding reception will be held on January 19 at Thiruvananthapuram for friends, dignitaries of cinema, politics, and culture. Sachin’s brother is Niranj, who is noted for his dramas and finals.

Maniyan Pilla Raju’s son Sachin Wedding Video

Source: Indian Cinema Gallery