‘Mammukka didn’t need Kadakkal Chandran to take after any politician’ !

Executive Santosh Vishwanath’s up and coming motion picture One has a few specialities, the key ones being that it has Mammootty assuming the job of boss priest without precedent for Malayalam and it is scripted by acclaimed essayists Bobby and Sanjay. In any case, for Santosh, it was an enormous accomplishment to mount the multi-starrer on such a major scale, taking into account that his introduction adventure Chirakodinja Kinavukal was a moderately littler undertaking.

The work for One began very nearly two years back, when the movie producer drew closer Mammootty with the thought. “We possibly had Mammukka in our brain when the idea sprouted. Had he dismissed it, we would have racked the entire undertaking. Truth be told, we started the content work simply after he went ahead board,” says Santosh.

In any case, inside two years the film arrived at a phase where it turned into a multi-starrer that likewise has artistes, for example, Joju George, Murali Gopy and Mathew Thomas in crucial jobs. “It wasn’t purposeful, however we required such a star cast. The authoritative get together scenes alone required 140 delegates from the decision and resistance groups, and some of them are significant characters in the story,” he says.

From the all the way, Santosh says it was Mammootty’s co-activity that prodded him on further. “He was incredibly engaged with the procedure. In the beginning, we were reflecting about giving a reference for his character of Chief Minister Kadakkal Chandran. Be that as it may, constantly conversation, unmistakably he had just begun planning for it himself. He had explicit contributions about the character’s walk and way of talking,” says the movie producer.

Truth be told, Mammootty was likewise broadly associated with making the search for Kadakkal Chandran. “In the beginning, I was stressed over the character’s getup. Mammukka stated, ‘I am heading off to the sets in a look and we will take it from that point’. Be that as it may, as the beginning date approached, I got apprehensive and met Mammukka to examine increasingly about the look. He mentioned to me what he had at the top of the priority list and I shared what I had imagined, and at last, I portrayed a specific look of the character and sent him. He answered, ‘It’s nearly there’. The following day he amazed we all with his take a gander at the character photoshoot. It was route superior to anything I had envisioned. Along these lines, you can say that Mammukka had considered and made the vibe of the character himself. He was certain that the character’s look shouldn’t be like any government officials of the past or present,” clarifies Santosh.

By chance, the motion picture will likewise not be alluding to any ideological groups. “We aren’t indicating their images either. Typically films use names of phony gatherings, however we didn’t need that. The crowd realizes that there are just two significant ideological groups in Kerala at any rate. Individuals who watch the film are allowed to decipher who the characters depend on,” says Santosh.