Mahabharat 24 April Noon Episode 55 Written Live Updates: Arjun has returned with the curse of Apsara and the diva, look ahead …

Mahabharat 8 May Noon Episode 83 Written Live Updates: Abhimanyu, Arjun take pledge to kill Jayadratha
Mahabharat 8 May Noon Episode 83 Written Live Updates: Abhimanyu, Arjun take pledge to kill Jayadratha

During the lockdown in the country, the telecast of the religious serial ‘Mahabharata’ on Doordarshan continues. Viewers are very fond of this serial. By now you have seen that Shakuni Mama is worried. He calls Karna to meet him. Karna asks why are you in worry. Shakuni says that the exile of the Pandavas is about to end. His last betting is my unknown. Duryodhana no longer trusts me, he has started questioning me. Tell him to send the detective and we have only one year. If we could not find them there would be war. I want Duryodhana to win the Pandavas without fighting the war, so convince him to know about the Pandavas. Now look forward …

Ramayana and Mahabharata back to Dooradarhans
Ramayana and Mahabharata back to Dooradarshan

12: 05- Time says that Shakuni is like a gambler who loses bets but is not ready to finish the game. Shakuni is so jealous of the Pandavas that he has blinded her. Dhritarashtra is blind from birth, Gandhari tied the bandage on his eyes. Duryodhana is in the chariot. He asks the servant to stop the chariot. A friend of Duryodhana is doing penance to Shiva.

Duryodhana asks friend Sindhu Naresh that what condition have you made this. I had to leave to search for you. Sindhu Naresh says that it is not me, I am worshiping so that I can take revenge on the Pandavas. They have insulted me. Duryodhana gets angry after hearing this. Sindhu Naresh says that I will never forgive him for the insult that the Pandavas have done. These five peaks that are on my head will not be removed until I avenge my insults from them. I Duryodhana cannot come to Hastinapur with you. I will get strength by doing Mahadev’s penance first.