Lion got angry after seeing people doing safari, race behind for hunting, see VIDEO

Lion got angry after seeing people doing safari, race behind for hunting, see VIDEO
Lion got angry after seeing people doing safari, race behind for hunting, see VIDEO

Something happened in the Atal Bihari Vajpayee Zoological Park in Karnataka (Karnataka), which surprised everyone. A lion tried to attack the tourists riding safari. This video is becoming quite viral on social media. In the video, it can be seen that the lion is running behind a car full of tourists. A tourist sitting inside the car captured the incident on his camera and uploaded it on social media. Where this video went viral.

The car going on safari stops in front of the lion. The lion sees the tourists inside the car and races towards them. After this, the driver runs the car to get rid of the lion. The driver stopped the car a little further, but the lion was still running after them, then the driver took the car far enough away and his shrewdness saved the lives of tourists.

Tourists were taken for the safari ride in Zoological Park with the aim of roaming the jungle. This is the first time this has happened in this zoological park in Karnataka. It is not yet known why the lion became so aggressive on seeing tourists. This video has been uploaded last Friday.