Lakhs are not getting food, do not make delicious food and share it on social media, Khushbu with the request


Chennai: Actress Khushboo has pleaded not to share her social media posts after making lakhs of rupees for a meal. Khushboo has raised the demand through Twitter. During the lockdown, many celebrities and other celebrities have been experimenting with recipes. Social media shares pictures of the types of foods they produce during the experiment.

It is in this situation that the player reacts. According to Khushboo, it is best not to post these pictures on social media when millions of people cannot get food due to lockdown.

Khusbu noted:

I have seen many people post a picture of a delicious meal. We are blessed with food in containers. But there are many who are in crisis even for getting an early meal. Let us unite with them. Eat, but don’t show ‘