Commercial family entertainer movie Cutties Gang first look poster out

The first look poster of the film Cutties Gang directed by debutant Anildev starring Unni Lalu, Sajin Cherukail, Altaf Saleem, Varun Dhara, Swati Das Prabhu and others has been released. In this film, which will be released on May 16, the very popular young actor Soundar Rajan is making his debut in Tamil. Pramod Veliyanad, Mridul, Amalraj Dev, Vismaya etc. are playing other important characters. Produced by Subhash Raghuram Sukumaran under the banner of Oceanic Cinemas, the film is written by Raj Karthi and has cinematography by Nikhil V Narayanan.

Editor-Riaz K Bader, Lyricist- Rafeeq Ahmed, Music- Bijibal. Executive Producer-Raj Karthi, Production Controller-Shashi Phuduwal, Project Design-Rajiv Shetty, Production Designer- Srinu Kallelil, Makeup-Shajipulpalli, Costume Design-Surya, Stills-TR Kanchan, Advertising Art-Pran, Chief Associate Director-Rajiv Shetty, Riaz Basheer, Associate Director-Sajil P Satyanathan, Rajesh Rajan, Action-Anil, Colorist-Liju Prabhakar, Production Executive-Suresh Mitrakari, Production Manager-Ramjith. “Cutty’s Gang” location was in Anakatti, Pollachi, Hyderabad and Chennai. P R O – A S Dinesh.