
Who Smell Sweat Should Drink Plenty Of Water

Dealing with excessive perspiration and the associated unpleasant odors can be a common challenge. If you've been struggling to find…

9 months ago

The Definitive Handbook On Steam Inhalers Your Comprehensive Guide

Steam inhalation, a common remedy for cold and congestion, involves inhaling steam from heated water to ease nasal passages during…

9 months ago

Protecting Against Leaks: The Power Of Maternity Pads

The adventure of bringing a new life into the world is miraculous and full of hope. But it is also…

9 months ago

When to Use a Pregnancy Kit?

Recent advancements in home pregnancy tests offer people the opportunity for earlier detection.However, it is essential to know when and…

10 months ago

Negative Test Results Nipah Virus Scare Averted With 61 Confirmed Cases

Nipa test results of 61 people belonging to high risk category received in Kozhikode district today are also negative. At…

10 months ago

Nipa Are Dissipating As 49 Consecutive Results Show No New Positive Case

Nipah worries are disappearing in the district. 49 more results negative. No new positive case was reported. Meanwhile, 2 people on the high…

10 months ago

Nipa Alert: Educational Institutions In Kozhikode Closed Until Further Notice

"In response to the Nipah alert, educational institutions in Kozhikode have been shut down indefinitely starting from the 18th, transitioning…

10 months ago

As A Precaution Against Nipah Virus, Authorities Have Intensified Screening Measures At The Kerala Tamil Nadu Border

Tamil Nadu has also taken decisive steps to safeguard against the Nipah virus outbreak. Stringent checks have been imposed at…

10 months ago

KK Shailaja Asserts Nipah Virus In 2018 Is Not A Novel Strain

Former Health Minister and current MLA KK Shailaja has emphasized that the re-emergence of Nipah virus in Kerala should not…

10 months ago

Kerala Authorities On High Alert Following 2 Suspected Unnatural Deaths Linked To Nipah Virus

Following two mysterious deaths in Kozhikode district, the Kerala Health Department has issued a health alert, suspecting the presence of…

10 months ago