Bigg Boss : Manju Got Injured On Her Leg, Social media wants her to be fired !

Bigg Boss Malayalam Season Two As the 50th day approaches, there is a lot of competition among the contestants. This week’s Luxury Budget Task, which began yesterday, is also testing the fitness of competitors. The game started yesterday as two teams A and B and continues today. Team A comprising Fukru, Veena, Jasla and Sooraj were yesterday ‘heroes’ and today ‘villains’.

But today’s game was different from yesterday. Bigg Boss placed a sample of a defunct missile in the garden area. It was assumed that the missiles had previously been stolen from them. A panel was placed nearby to assist in its operation. The competition was for villains to plug the plugs they received into the panel. The task of the Heroes was not to allow them to do so. The villains had to fit four pins on four taskbars. Bigg Boss’s announcement was that a plug would add up to four hundred luxury points each.

manju pathros

Team B was the heroes when the first buzzer sounded and the cheerful villainous A team with the same enthusiasm blocked it. As of yesterday, Rejith, Pashanam Shaji, Arya and Veena were in Team B. While Veena and Arya were hugging the panel, Shashi and Rizith joined forces to smash the plug. But Manju was injured during the first round of the match. Shaji grabbed Manju and tried to reach the panel, but Manju fell down. Manju was to the conference room by his companions, who had struggled to raise him from the ground. At the suggestion of Bigg Boss, the doctors came and checked on Manju. Manju is injured in the knee. Later, teammates Fukru and Jasla arrived and brought Manju out of the conference room. Bigg Boss sent Manju back from the conference room saying he needed some rest and attention. Manju was absent from the game for the next few rounds. After inquiring for a while, Manju told them that if the pain persists, they can call an orthopedist. Shaji, meanwhile, was upset about Manju’s injury. But if he is unable to recover from a foot injury, the audience is asking whether Manju will be let out of the house for the Big Boss treatment. Pawan walked out of the show on his own accord because of his back pain. The audience asks if Manju will go like that. Manju has already hit the house.