Amma Executive Board Meeting with Shane Nigam to solve existing issues live video

The Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA) has asked on-screen character Shane Nigam to meet its accessible official advisory group individuals and present his guard on the boycott forced by the Producers’ Association.

The AMMA office-bearers have likewise chosen to meet the agents of Film Employees Federation of Kerala (FEFKA) before choosing the date to meet the makers.

“We think it is important to think about Shane’s rendition of the episodes and his arrangements. As the film body which speaks to entertainers, AMMA will take just an aggregate choice. We will gather an accessible official board of trustees meet and ask Shane to visit. At that point we will meet FEFKA office-bearers to settle on issues like which film can be finished in Shane’s present haircut. After that we will meet the workplace bearers of Kerala Film Producers Association,” said AMMA secretary Edavela Babu.

The makers said they won’t lift the boycott that they had forced on the on-screen character for changing his hairdo while going for motion pictures Qurbani and Veyil hadn’t wrapped up. In any case, the KFPA office-bearers said that they had no issue with discharging Shane’s motion picture Valiya Perunnal.

AMMA Board meeting live video with Shane Nigam