4 surgeries in 10 months, 2 mastectomy ; Hollywood star about the health condition

Hollywood actres Olivia Munn has announced that she is suffering from cancer and is currently undergoing treatment. Olivia herself informed through an Instagram post that she has breast cancer and is undergoing treatment for it. The actor has also shared a picture from the hospital bed. Olivia is an actress known for her films like X-Men, Iron Man 2 and Predator.

In February 2023, Olivia underwent genetic testing to detect cancer genes. All tests were negative, including BRCA, which detects breast cancer risk genes. Olivia’s sister Sarah also tested negative. Later she also underwent a mammogram. Two months later, she was diagnosed with breast cancer.

Olivia has undergone four surgeries in the last 10 months. The actor noted that he learned more than he expected about cancer treatment and hormones, and during that time he only cried twice and said he had no time to cry.
“Fortunately, the diagnosis was made very quickly. We found it because I had the means. Tomorrow every woman has to face this stage” – said Olivia. Both breasts were removed one month after biopsy. The star also reminded that all women should be screened for cancer risk.